


UNCO, derived from ‘unconventional’, pronounced as [uhn·ko], /ˌʌnkəʊ/

Synonym: natural, artisan, drool worthy, headache free
Antonym: boring, mass market, non-sustainable

The UNCO manifesto

To enjoy the little things in life is maybe as important as breathing, because it allows us to be fully present and to feel alive. If you take a hedonistic stand point, to seek out pleasure is even a primary or most important goal of human life. 
Through millennia we have produced and enjoyed substances simply for our pleasure. Our love affair with alcohol, for example, started 9.000 years ago. Today alcohol and similar substances are part of everyday life, and with time we have perfected the art and science of production. 
Some maintain that wine, beer and other brews have never been of better, more consistent or more pristine quality as today. At the same time, these products have never been made with as many pesticides, additives, preservatives and processes. Natural and guilt free products are becoming rarer. (And don't get us started on trying to figure out what's vegan or not!)
How can one possibly indulge and enjoy a product when its consumption has negative consequences on our environment, bodies and souls? This is why we have UNCO. It is our unconventional guide to discover and explore natural, artisan products. Products that are made using more sustainable methods than what tends to be the norm today. Made by smaller producers rather than big brands and corporations. 
UNCO is our guide to headache free wine, beer with no fear, and bubbles without troubles. Here we gather info and inspo of unconventional beverages and where to find them in Amsterdam. Whether it is natural, organic, biodynamic or just plain magic, let's explore it together! UNCO is our guide for conscious shoppers, vegans and other likeminded spirits.